Office Phone: 303-646-2763

Old clients will already have Martha Karnopp's contact information. New clients should contact Kristi Radosevich or Ted Preston at:

Kristi Radosevich:         Email:

Ted Preston:                  Email:



We are happy to arrange meetings anytime you are available: weekdays, evenings and weekends. We are also happy to accept your phone calls outside typical business hours.


Call or email for an appointment.



A Lawyer Who Makes House Calls?


Radosevich & Preston, LLC

Consistent with our firm's approach to client-centered legal advice and planning, we began, many years ago, assisting some of our elderly, disabled and home-bound clients by visiting their homes for meetings. The many benefits to those home visits became quickly apparent, and now we typically meet with all our clients in their homes, where they store the records and documents that are so frequently needed during the estate planning process. In-home consultation saves our clients from multiple trips to a lawyer's office to deliver and review forgotten documents. Having all the needed documents available at your home will make our first meeting far more productive. We are often able to assess and complete our clients' planning needs more quickly as a result of these productive meetings. Our attorneys keep our overhead expenses low by maintaining offices in our homes, and we pass those savings on to our clients. We are happy to arrange meeting times in your home throughout Colorado and Wyoming.  We don't charge our clients extra for this service.  Your kitchen table is the only workspace we need for these home visits, and it is a setting that is perfectly expressive of the kind of personal, client-focused service our lawfirm strives to provide.